I thought I would begin this voyage on Gramster Blog sharing a little amusing story that happened a few days ago. My brother is a missionary in Africa, so we do not get to communicate by an actual phone call very often. One afternoon at work, my cell phone vibrated and since I was in a conference, I did not answer. When I completed my conference, I checked my messages and - you guessed it - I missed my first call from Africa since November! I was so bummed out and agonized over it with my co-workers - over and over and over.
We have to rewind just a little to explain my relationship with my co-workers. They find me a little "out there" because of a lot of things I do. I break out in song quite often when a situation or comment reminds me of a song (which is pretty often since there is a song for everything, you know?!). The tone on my old cell phone was a chicken clucking and I often did the chicken dance as it played. Also, my best friend and I talk to each other every day on the phone and we always begin our conversation with the greeting, "whoo hoo whoo hoo hoo" (the Vonage commercial tune). Those kinds of things - just love to have fun in lots of different situations.
After I missed the Africa call and had sufficiently whined to my co-workers, I had to call a representative at a company to follow up resolving an employee's problem. The rep's name is Sheila . . . my dog is also named Sheila. When I greeted Sheila on the phone, I overheard one of my co-workers comment, "I think she is so upset that she is calling Sheila" - meaning she thought I was calling my dog. We had a good laugh over it and I explained to them that Sheila (my dog) would very much have understood how upset I was over missing the call from my brother.
Several days passed with no call from Africa, but all is well that ends well. He finally called back on a Saturday morning when I had uninterrupted time to catch up with him and his precious family and it was absolutely wonderful. God is good!
The Truth About 2013
11 years ago