Monday, August 25, 2008

Distressed Travelers ? ? ?

Distressed Travelers . . . that’s the name that we were given by American Airlines, but we weren’t really distressed at all. Mainly because we had just been given fuel concerning our inheritance and we just looked at our plight knowing that our boundary lines had fallen for us in pleasing “sweet” places.

Me and my two traveling companions, Sharron and Karen, left San Antonio at the appropriate time; however, as we were approaching Dallas airport, things began to change. There had been some stormy weather there so our plane was behind several others in a holding pattern. After “holding” awhile, our pilot decided we needed some more fuel and diverted us to Austin to “fill her up.” We were all very thankful that he decided to do that, but did wonder if the pump clicked off at $50.00 on his last fueling attempt. The diversion threw us behind and when we arrived back at Dallas, our connecting flight had left. We met up with 5 other siestas who were in the same boat and were all put up at a “distressed traveler” rate at a nearby Baymont Inn. It gave us opportunity to get to know 5 more of our siestas – 2 from Nebraska, 2 from Huntsville and 1 from Nashville.

I have so many interesting stories concerning our trip, but I’ll save it for when I am a little more refreshed so you will enjoy it completely! It was so wonderful to be with all our siestas this weekend! Was that a little glimpse of what heaven will be like – Presence, People and Property! I think so! What a great privilege it was to worship and fellowship with all of you.

I’m enjoying so much looking at all of your pictures. I’ll send pictures and more posts in the days to come.


GratefulinGA said...

How sweet is that? If you must be distressed, that's the way to do it.

I didn't get to meet you there in the flesh, but maybe we'll get acquainted before the next gathering of Siestas!


Karen said...

I would say we were some of the most unstressed distressed passengers of the night. Although I wanted to be home, it was fun to have one more silly/blessed night with my siestas!!!

You and Sharron are more fun than a barrel of monkeys!


Donna @ Way More Homemade said...

I've done the diversion to Austin thing. But how wonderful that you met other Siestas on your journey. I didn't go home until Sunday or else I'd have had you all just come on to my house.

I am so enjoying hearing everyone's stories.


Sharron said...

Well, there is distressed and there is distressed.......We were neither! So many songs.....not enough time to sing them! Laughter, I am told lengthens your life......we added several days or months to ours, I would say. Such fun in Christ!
I loved it and enjoyed every minute with you and Karen. We have got to losen up some......right Karen!!!!!!!!!!! HeHeHe

Love, Sharron