We left Huntsville airport bright and early on Thursday morning, August 21 and arrived right on time in San Antonio. We hailed a taxi to Oak Hills Church for some Women’s Ministry Leadership Training and the taxi meter went up, up, up! Finally resting on $41.00, we arrived at Oak Hills and had wonderful training sessions followed by great praise and worship that evening. Since our taxi adventure was so expensive, we sought a ride back to our hotel. The sweet ladies who gave us a ride had a GPS in their car and the funniest thing was when the calm, gentle female voice on the GPS told us to “turn right on Al-aaaaaa-mo.” We continued to refer to the Alamo as the Al-aaaaa-mo all weekend.
We got up early on Friday morning to exercise in the hotel’s workout room. I couldn’t get behind on my half-marathon training. After 30 minutes on the treadmill alternating my jog/walk routine, Karen asked what we wanted to do next – meaning in the line of exercise. Well, usually that is all I do, but Sharron and I did not want to appear wimpy, so we headed to the exercise bikes for more workout. We really thought we wouldn’t be able to walk after an hour of intense exercise, but we all faired very well. The machines even told us how many calories we had burned off, so we made sure to eat all of those extra calories throughout the day.
After some sight-seeing at the River Walk, the Al-aaaaa-mo, and the downtown area, we caught a taxi to meet our siestas who were arriving from all over the US. We met at a local Mexican restaurant to have our first taste of Tex-Mex and it was delicious. But even more delicious was getting to see all the bloggy friends we had never met in person. Melana and Miesta Moose were the first ones that we recognized and I’ve included a picture of the first few siestas to gather at Pico de Gallo.
After a delicious lunch, we walked back to our hotel (more calorie burning) along with our new Siesta friend, Cindy, to get ready for the big Siesta Fiesta Living Proof Live conference at the Al-aaaaaa-mo Dome. We got all registered and found our seats to get ready for some great praise and worship with Travis and the Praise Team and excellent teaching by Beth and we were not disappointed by either.
Karen, Dianne, Sharron, Cindy
Beth's topic was Inheritance based on Psalm 16:5-6. We learned the following truths about our inheritance - that I am an heir of God and my life is not left to chance, I am inheriting a kingdom, God is my portion and I am His, the down-payment has been made, my boundary lines form a pleasing place, the will has been activated, I can be secure and I have a beautiful inheritance.
As I posted earlier, we got to apply a good bit of this right away while stranded an extra night in Dallas. We added some life experiences to our boundary lines and they were indeed a pleasing place. We laughed and sang with other sweet siestas who were in the same boat - I mean plane - and had a blast!
I have a reputation for breaking out in song and on the diverted flight, I sat next to a very "interesting" passenger who actually took pictures of clouds and showed them all to me and read and discussed snippets from the book he was reading. He even wanted me to summarize what I learned from the conference to him and although I don't think he actually got it, I was able to share! Then, he told me that he was a "whatever will be" kind of person . . . so, you guessed it . . . I did my best Doris Day rendition of "que sera sera" with my friend Sharron joining in and this guy actually sang with us. Everyone around us laughed their heads off. My friend, Karen, was talking to her husband who is our praise team worship leader and he said, "Tell me they aren't singing on the plane!" He had the nerve to say that I was no Doris Day!! Of course she told him that we were indeed singing.
So many adventures . . . so little time. Here is a picture of the remaining 5 "distressed passengers" on Sunday morning waiting for our rescheduled flight home.
OK D, you need to be a writer in your next life! Of course, we will be writing on heavenly paper then and we won't need email will we! The entire weekend was a blast with Jesus and we met such nice sisters in Christ.
You do good!!!!!!!!!!!!
love you
Wow, all I can say is WOW!
Siesta K
I came across you from the LPM blog--I am a fellow siesta, but didn't make San Antonio so was blessed by reading your re-cap. I am also a runner--so just want to encourage you--You will be closer to that 5k and further away from that couch every day! God bless. Nice meeting you!
I love your pictures!! You all look like you had a great time. Speaking of great time...I can't wait to seeeee yooouuuu this weekened!!! Woot woot!!
I just read about someone who had a good time, wow, San Antonio with the Siestas? Talking about a good time, I want to come next time... You are STILL so much fun, making me laugh, remembering the laughs that we shared that were sometimes uncontrollable. Keep smiling and laughing. Love, Jayme
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